Shop and Storage Steel Buildings
from Searcy Building Systems
A Searcy Building Systems building is more than just quality materials, competitive prices, and quick delivery times.
- Made in certified and accredited plants.
- Dedicated customer care and building consultant for the lifetime of your building project.
- Three stamped and certified building and anchor bolt plans.
- 26 ga PBR roof and wall panels for a more weathertight building envelope.
- 25-year panel finish warranty against peeling, chalking and fading.
- Deluxe base angel with flashing.
- Insulated personnel doors (Includes key with weather-stripping)
- Full cover trim at every large door opening
- Fully engineered bracing design, increasing strength and rigidity
- Zinc Aluminum Capped (ZAC)/Lifetime roof and wall fasteners with washers.
Steel Shop Buildings

Steel is one the strongest building materials available which makes Searcy Building Systems pre-engineered shop buildings extremely durable and versatile. Capable of much wider spans than wooden pole barns, pre-engineered steel buildings are the perfect choice for a more secure and spacious shop or storage building.
With our rigid frame design, you will not have to deal with roof trusses that take up overhead space in your building. Our open rafter system makes it easy to install lifts and hoists inside your building, so you will not have any overhead obstacles. And our rigid frames can easily span 60’, 80’, 100’ plus without having to add interior columns leaving you with a completely open clear span floor plan.
SBS metal prefabricated shop building kits are completely customizable. We can design your shop to be simple to save money or we can design for a brick, split face block, or stacked stone wall system for a more custom look.
Ready to start building your dream shop or storage building?
Searcy Building System Steel Shop and Storage Buildings are:
- Low Maintenance – Steel building maintenance costs are less compared to all other structures.
Versatile - Can be modified and engineered to any specification
Quick Assembly - Can be delivered and assembled quicker than other building types
Energy Efficient – Steel buildings can be properly insulated, saving money on heating and cooling and expanding the buildings usage.
Durable – Steel buildings stand up to constant use and strong weather conditions.
Pest Resistant – Steel buildings are not susceptible to termites and other destructive pests.
Fire Resistant – Steel is not susceptible to fire.
- Less Expensive to Insure – Steel buildings are often less expensive to insure because of the superior strength, durability, and fire resistance.