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40x60 Shop Building Case Study

Clint Wilson, Union City, TN

In 2018, Clint Wilson was ready to build a shop on his property. He did his research online about pre-engineered rigid-frame steel buildings and was pleased to find out that Searcy Building Systems was not only local to him in Union City, but was also a business that his employer had successfully worked with before.

From his initial contact inquiry to Searcy Building Systems, to a follow-up with Ally, to a face to face appointment to work through what he wanted and needed, to the delivery of his ordered product, Clint felt that the process was extremely quick, easy, and streamlined.

Throughout the entire process, Clint realized that he received a better, higher quality product, for a better price, with much better customer service than he would have received at any other supplier. 


Clint’s 40 x 60 building with 16 ft. side walls wasn’t just a shop for storage. One of the noteworthy things about Clint’s building process is that at the time of design and purchase, Clint and his family were living in an RV while building their new home on their property. The first use for the pre-engineered rigid frame steel building was to be a shelter and cover for the RV while building their home. Clint noted that a significant advantage was being able to work with SBS on the design of his building – considering both current and future potential uses, working through what he wanted and might need, and incorporating that into the design.


At the delivery of his pre-engineered rigid-frame steel building, Clint started building on his own. He was not familiar with blueprints. He had technical questions about the process and Ally and her team were supportive, responsive, and able to walk him through the entire assembly process – helping him learn along the way. 

What Others Had to Say:

SBS provided a top-quality product and phenomenal customer service. Everything went smoothly and exactly as they promised. Ally Hooks and her team were great to work with and still check in to make sure things are well with the building. They were phenomenal and I 100% recommend them! – Clint Wilson

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